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Portfolio Diversification: Importance and Benefits
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Portfolio Diversification: Importance and Benefits

Diversification is the key to success in any financial venture. It involves spreading your investments over many different opportunities so that your risk is reduced. Diversification is one of the oldest and most effective ways to do so. Diversifying your portfolio means that you hold a mix of different kinds of assets. It can also help you sleep better at night, knowing that you aren’t betting everything on one company, which could go out of business and take your savings with it.

What is portfolio diversification?

Stock portfolio diversification is the most basic and fundamental investing principle. Diversification is the process of dividing your capital into several investments so that the failure of one would not be devastating to your wealth. Diversification helps you to bring down the risk of your portfolio. There are a lot of investment strategies of diversification.

It is the application of which investors include various types of stocks in their portfolios in order to reduce the risk associated with the investment. The principle of diversification suggests that investors should not concentrate their investments in a few securities. The risk associated with investing in a particular security is reduced by including different stocks and funds in the portfolio. A person who invests in a single company or in a few companies will be at risk of total loss if the company or businesses fail.

Diversification in investing is all about lowering the risk of loss by spreading your money across various assets and sectors. For example, let us assume you have BDT 100,000 to invest. You can choose to put all your funds in one stock or in a group of stocks. If the stock you invested in falls and your BDT 100,000 becomes BDT 50,000, you’ll have lost 50% of your money and that’s a huge blow. But if you invest your money in 5 stocks, and one of them falls, you’ll only lose 20% of your investment. And you can easily buy 2 more stocks and attain the same exposure to stocks again. This concept is especially useful if you have limited money to invest. By diversifying your money and spreading it over a number of stocks, or a number of sectors, you can mitigate risk while making good returns.

What is portfolio diversification

Why portfolio diversification matters?

Diversification is the key to building a secure investment portfolio. Your portfolio should be made up of various asset classes that move in different directions in different economic climates. The more assets you have in your portfolio, the more likely you are to capture some positive returns when the economy declines. If you have too many eggs in one basket, one loss could wipe out your savings. In addition, timing the market is tricky, so you should rely on asset allocation rather than timing to build wealth.

The whole point of diversification is to make sure you are equally exposed to market ups and downs. If you invest in one company, your profit will rise and fall with the success of that company – and that can be a little nerve-wrecking when your money is on the line. Diversification lets you spread your investment dollars across a group of companies; when some of those companies fall in value, others may be rising, and your total investment performance balances out to zero.

One of the most common mistakes both new and established investors make is to put all their eggs in one basket. That’s not a good strategy and you should never do it. Just like you would never hire a single person to handle all your problems, the same goes for your investments. Investing in your favorite company is a great idea but there are many others companies that you should consider to reduce your risk. 

How to diversify your stock portfolio?

There are many different ways to diversify your stock portfolio. One way is to invest in different sectors. This means that you would invest in stocks from different industries such as healthcare, technology, and energy. Another way to diversify your stock portfolio is to invest in different types of stocks. For example, you could invest in growth stocks, value stocks, and dividend stocks.

Growth Stock:

 A growth stock is a stock that is expected to grow at a fast pace on account of the increased demand. The major factor that determines the price of the growth stocks is the companies’ earnings growth. Growth stocks often have price to earnings ratios that are significantly higher than the average sector. This indicates that the company is expected to grow faster than the average company in its sector. Growth stocks are generally more volatile than the overall stock market.

Value Stock:

A value stock is a stock that has the potential of producing good returns on the basis of intrinsic value. Its price has not matched its expected value, which is why it is considered to be undervalued. In other words, a value stock is a stock that is undervalued by the market and can give a good return on investment. It is possible to find value stocks of good companies that are not well known by the public. It is possible to find good value stocks in small caps too.

Dividend stock:

Dividend stock is a company’s stock that pays income to investors every year. Dividend stocks are considered as long-term investments rather than short-term because the income from dividends is considered as a reliable source of revenues and income. Some companies are more likely to pay dividends than others.

The benefits of diversifying your portfolio

The benefits of diversifying your portfolio?

When it comes to investing, there is no “one size fits all” approach. Each investor has different goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. However, one common goal among all investors is to achieve success with their investments.

There are many different paths to success, but one of the most effective is diversification. Diversification is the process of spreading your investment across different asset classes and/or different investments within each asset class.

The goal of diversification is to minimize risk while still allowing for the potential of significant returns. By diversifying your portfolio, you are essentially hedging your bets and giving yourself a better chance of success.

There are numerous benefits of diversifying your portfolio. Let’s take a look at a few of the most important:

1. Diversification Reduces Risk

One of the most important benefits of diversification is that it reduces risk. When you diversify your portfolio, you are essentially spreading your investment BDTs across different asset classes and/or different investments within each asset class. This reduces your overall risk because you are not as reliant on any one investment.

If one investment fails, your entire portfolio does not necessarily have to suffer. This is the beauty of diversification – it allows you to minimize your risk while still giving you the opportunity to achieve significant returns.

2. Diversification Provides Opportunities

Another benefit of diversification is that it provides opportunities. By diversifying your portfolio, you are essentially creating a “safety net” for your investments. If one investment fails, you have others that can potentially pick up the slack.

This safety net provides opportunities because it allows you to take more risks with your investments. You can afford to take more risks because you know that you have a cushion to fall back on if things don’t go as planned.

3. Diversification helps you stay disciplined

When you diversify your portfolio, you are essentially making a commitment to stay disciplined with your investments. If you want to be successful with your investments, you need to have a disciplined approach. Diversification can help you stay disciplined because it forces you to think long-term and to resist the temptation of chasing short-term gains.


4. Diversification Allows You to Take Advantage of Different Market Conditions

Another benefit of diversification is that it allows you to take advantage of different market conditions. When you diversify your portfolio, you are essentially creating a “buffer” against market volatility.

This buffer allows you to take advantage of market conditions that might otherwise be too risky. For example, you might be able to invest in a volatile stock that has the potential to double or triple in value. However, you would only be comfortable doing so if you know that you have other investments that can offset any losses.

5. Diversification Gives You Peace of Mind

Investing can be a stressful endeavor. There is always the potential for losses, and it can be difficult to stay disciplined. However, diversification can help ease some of this stress by giving you peace of mind.

When you diversify your portfolio, you are essentially spreading your investment risk across different asset classes and/or different investments within each asset class. This gives you peace of mind because you know that you are not as reliant on any one investment.

If one investment fails, your entire portfolio does not necessarily have to suffer. This is the beauty of diversification – it allows you to sleep easier at night knowing that you have diversified your risk.

Disadvantage of an undiversified portfolio

Any investor that only has one type of investment in his or her portfolio is considered undiversified. While having only one stock in your portfolio can be highly profitable, it also can be highly risky. You see, a company can go bankrupt at any given moment. The stock market is not immune to this fact. Having one stock in your portfolio means that if the company goes bankrupt, your entire investment, and any profit you might have made, is lost in an instant. There is, however, a solution to this problem. The solution is to diversify your portfolio. Having an undiversified portfolio can be a disaster. This can be a bad thing for a number of reasons.

First, if any of the investments in the portfolio tank, the whole portfolio can go down with it. This is especially true if the investments are in the same industry or sector. For example, if an investor has a portfolio that is made up mostly of oil stocks and the price of oil drops, then the value of the portfolio will drop as well.

Second, an undiversified portfolio is more risky than a diversified one. This is because there is less diversification of risk. When an investor holds a diversified portfolio, they are spread out over many different investments and industries. This means that if one investment goes bad, the others may make up for it. With an undiversified portfolio, there is no such safety net.

Third, an undiversified portfolio can be difficult to rebalance. This is because there are fewer investments to choose from when trying to rebalance. For example, if an investor wants to sell one investment and buy another, there may not be another investment in the same industry or sector that they want to buy. This can make it difficult to keep the portfolio balanced.

Fourth, an undiversified portfolio can lead to missed opportunities. This is because the investor may only be invested in a few areas and misses out on other good opportunities that are available.

Overall, there are many disadvantages to having an undiversified portfolio. These include increased risk, difficulty rebalancing, and missed opportunities. Investors should carefully consider these disadvantages before deciding whether or not to have an undiversified portfolio.


Diversification is one of the most important aspects of investing and it can also be one of the most difficult concepts to understand, particularly for investors who are new to the field. There are numerous reasons why portfolio diversification is beneficial, including the fact that it can help lower the investor’s risk, but the main reason to diversify one’s portfolio is to increase its overall return.

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