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Sunday 8th December 2024
Royal Capital Portal – IPO Data
By admin

Royal Capital Portal – IPO Data

The last item on the Royal Capital Portal’s menu bar is IPO Data. The source of this data is Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). All the information presented on this page is collected from DSE’s database. This page represents all the IPO scripts published since 2010, whether it is bond, mutual fund, equity or security, or any other script. There is information above 150 scripts on the page.

Royal Capital Portal - IPO page

All the data on the page are in a tabular format. The first column shows the name of the company to which the IPO belongs. The second column shows the trade code of the IPO listed in the market, followed by the respective industry column. The next column displays the listing method that is fixed pricing, book building, and direct listing. The column IPO size refers to the amount withdrawn. The column offer price shows the offer price of each IPO. IPO that uses fixed pricing as their listing method shows the face value as their offer price. IPOs that use book building show a fraction. The next column is subscription open. It shows the subscription date of the IPOs that means the date on which the company started collecting the application fee of the IPO. The next column applies (times) refers to the ratio of the number of applications per share. For example, as shown on the page, almost 14 people have applied for a share of South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Limited. The column trade debut indicates the date at which all the transactions started taking place in the market. The average price column shows the average price of the IPOs. The data in this column is shown using bar figures. Each bar represents a five-day (a week) average price. For instance, if one places his curser on the first bar, he can see the average price of the first five days or the first week. When he places his curser on the second one, he can see the second week’s average. The purpose of this representation is to see the average price movement of the company’s share in its first month after being listed. The user can identify which share’s prices are increasing, which are decreasing, and which are static or standing still simply by looking at the bars. The last column, RIL IPO Analytics, provides a link to a report made by the Royal Capital Ltd. research team for each IPO. Users of the portal can download this report.

On the top left corner of the page, a feature named show entries allows the user to see as many entries at a time. Like every other page on the portal, there is a search box at the top right corner. Users can use it to search for any particular information. The user can sort all the data of each column as per their requirement. For example, all the information on the page is initially sorted based on newest to oldest. If the user wants to sort the data based on book-building, he can sort them by clicking the arrow button on the listing method column.

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  • December 4, 2021

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