RIL Company Analysis -SUMITPOWER
Summit Power Limited (SPL) is a subsidiary of Summit Group which is the largest infrastructure conglomerate of Bangladesh. SPL owns and operates 15 power plants in different locations across Bangladesh.
The market capitalization of Summit Power is almost 51.26B which is almost 0.9% of the total market capitalization of the broad index of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (October 06, 2021).
With a vision of being a leading provider of energy solutions in Asia and delivering sustainable long-term value to all its stakeholders, Summit Power has been operating its business for over two decades. Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) are the off-takers of Summit Power. The mission of Summit Power is to support economic development and transform the social landscape of Asia through the provision of reliable, affordable, and efficient sources of electricity.
Summit’s power plants are equipped with the best engines of Wartsila-Finland, Caterpillar USA, and GE Jenbacher, Austria. Both turbine and reciprocating engine divisions currently have 1941 MW of installed capacity. The 15 power plants of SPL have a total installed capacity of 976 MW. The company aims to generate 20% of the total electricity requirement in Bangladesh. SUMITPOWER has many investment merits.
The current market price of SUMITPOWER is BDT 48. According to the calculated intrinsic value of the company, SUMITPOWER is undervalued along with its current market price. There may be a potential return on buying the share at this current price level.
Download the Equity Research report on Summit Power Ltd. click – RIL Company Analysis -SUMITPOWER
This document is prepared by the research team of Royal Capital Limited. This is based on the publicly provided information by SUMITPOWER Limited and our research. We do not rely on any insider information.
This report does not influence the investors to buy and sell the equity.