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What is Share Market and How to Invest in Share Market in Bangladesh?
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What is Share Market and How to Invest in Share Market in Bangladesh?

Share market is a marketplace for shares of a public limited company. Whenever a company wants to go public, they have to enlist themselves in the Dhaka Stock Exchange and offer their share in a specific price so that the mass people can purchase share and become shareholders of those companies. From the point of view of the shareholders, share market is a place where they can invest their money to purchase shares of a specific organization and later sell them to have a monetary gain. Individual and institutions alike can benefit from share market in this way. They invest in the share market and gets monetary return in the long run.

To be able to start trading in the Dhaka Stock Exchange or Chittagong Stock Exchange, an individual needs to go through specific process. These processes and checklists will ensure an individual has taken the necessary steps. After completing the process, an individual will deemed as eligible to start trading and invest in the share market.

So, if you are wondering how to invest in share market in Bangladesh, you have come to the right place. Many individuals in our country wants to start trading in the share market, but they do not make any bold move due to lack of related literacy. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the basic elements of becoming an investor in the share market of Bangladesh. We want to walk you through some basic steps that is required for an individual to be able to invest in the share market. If anyone is looking for easy and simple instructions on how to invest in share market in Bangladesh, this write up will be very helpful to them.

Without much delay we will get to the details of the process of becoming an investor in the share market of Bangladesh.

Age Limit:

The very first step to invest in share market in Bangladesh is to be of the legal age. According to the rules and regulations of Bangladesh, an individual needs to be at least 18 years old to be eligible to start trading in the stock exchange. Moreover, the majority of the requirements of becoming an investor also has the requirement of being at least 18 years old. This is the very first and basic step of starting to invest in share market in Bangladesh.

Bank Account:

Having a bank account is the second must have. To start your invest in share market, you are required to have a bank account of your own name. This bank account is correlated with the next steps of the process. You will get clear idea as we walk through the process. Every individual needs to have a valid bank account in order to be eligible to start investing in the share market in Bangladesh. You can pick any banks of your preference and open a savings account in that bank. Please note that there is no advantage of opening account in any particular bank. You can open the account in any Bank.

BO Account:

BO account stands for Beneficiary Owner’s Account. A BO account is a must have if you want to invest in share market in Bangladesh. Let us give a very simple example, as you need a Facebook account to use the tools of Facebook, similarly you need a BO account to start trading in the share market of Bangladesh. There are many reasons for opening a BO account. But this is the most important step in starting invest in share market in Bangladesh. The BO account will be linked with your bank account and all your share trading will be managed via this BO account. You can purchase new share, sale your current shares and more. The BO account is your entry to the golden opportunity in the share market in Bangladesh. Your BO account will require many information and supportive documents to get you started with stock market in Bangladesh. We recommend opening your BO account with the help of professionals. It ensures you are not missing out anything and you will remain hassle free as the professionals take care of it. Whenever we get new clients who wants to open a BO account we ensure we give them the utmost support and many guidance to help them succeed and progress in the share market in Bangladesh. As they envision to invest in share market in Bangladesh, we ensure their vision become true real soon. So if you are looking for a reliable source that will facilitate you to open a BO account, you can put your trust on us. There are certain requirements and necessary documents that are important to get started with BO account. Once you have all the necessary information ready, you can create the BO account with ease.

Basic Literacy:

We are including this point because there are many individuals who joined the share market of Bangladesh just as a part of a trend. They started their journey as a trader in the share market, but they do not have the minimum basic literacy required to invest in share market in Bangladesh. So to start your invest in the share market of Bangladesh you need to have a basic understanding regarding the entire experience. You should be aware of the top performing stocks, new stocks, current trends in share market, IPO and more. This basic literacy will help you to kick start your journey in the stock market of Bangladesh as a trader. We highly recommend to get all necessary information from professionals so that there is very low margin of error. On the other hand, if you want to start trading in the share market without having basic literacy, majority of your investment might go in vain. It will take longer for you to understand the market trend and invest accordingly. Thus having a prior basic understanding of the stocks will help you to create a better experience for anyone who wants to invest in share market in Bangladesh.


Have you heard the famous quote, “Do not put all your eggs in one basket.” This quotation is very much practical for investing in share market in Bangladesh. Imagine a scenario that you hear about one particular company’s share is going to be a hotshot. Based on that, you invest majority of your capital on a particular share. However, if the share suddenly starts going south then majority of your investment will also be in jeopardy. On a different scenario, if you did proper research on the available shares and created a diversified portfolio then your investment would have been safe. This is one key element of investing in share market in Bangladesh. Your portfolio needs to be diversified to keep you safe from suffering loss. There will be ups and down, but a diversified portfolio will help you to keep your head above water.

Get Proper Consultation:

If you open your BO account with the help of professionals, they will have your back. A proper consultant will ensure you are not suffering any loss or problem that will be harmful for your portfolio. As a result, it is important to pick the right consultant for you. From Royal Capital, we ensure our clients are having a seamless journey from the point of opening a BO account till they are making handsome money from their investment. We prefer to be a lighthouse for our clientele to ensure they get their money’s worth. We believe that with proper consultation and a joint approach it is a win win for everyone.

Pick the Right Brokerage House:

If you are planning to become a trader in stock exchange, you are bound to be join hands with one of the members of the Dhaka Stock Exchange. To put it in simple words, you must pick a right brokerage house to get started with your BO account. Picking the right brokerage house is very important to ensure you dot the i’s and cross the t’s. A right brokerage house will give you necessary guidance to be on the right track from the very beginning. In addition, the brokerage house will keep you updated of recent trends and insights to help you make better decisions. With their continuous support and guidance it will be easier and safer to invest in share market in Bangladesh.

After going through all the above mentioned steps, you will be ready to kick start your journey and start to invest in share market in Bangladesh. These are the basic items on the bucket list of becoming an investor in share market in Bangladesh. We hope this article was useful for you, please follow our blog for such informative contents.

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