Importance of strategies in trading
Trading is a form of negotiation in financial markets that is based on price speculation, that is, trying to predict the movements that a price will take in a certain period of t
Trading is a form of negotiation in financial markets that is based on price speculation, that is, trying to predict the movements that a price will take in a certain period of t
Technical and fundamental analysis are two different ways of studying movements in financial markets. Each type of analysis looks at quotes from different points of view and this
Two of the most basic concepts in the technical analysis of financial markets are both support and resistance. And when we talk about basic concepts, we mean that they are very
What is the Japanese Candlestick Chart? This type of graph began to be used in Japan in the middle of the seventeenth century as a means to predict the price of rice and, in this w
এই আর্টিকেলে টেকনিকাল ইন্ডিকেটর এবং টেকনিকাল এনালাইসিসে ইন্ডিকেট