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Features of Best Brokerage House in Bangladesh
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Features of Best Brokerage House in Bangladesh

Brokerage houses in Bangladesh have to operate in a very competitive market. With the growing acceptance and engagement with the stock market, the number of stock traders are increasing. To meet the growing demand, many organizations are coming with infrastructure to support the stock traders. But it is important for the traders to find out the best brokerage house. Keeping that in mind, we are elaborating on the features of the best brokerage house in Bangladesh. There are many broking firms in Bangladesh, but not all of them will live up to the quality and become the best brokerage house. In order to be the best brokerage house, the retail brokerage houses need to have some specific features and qualities. In the following, we will shed light on the features of the best brokerage houses of Bangladesh.

Client Focus:

The best brokerage house in Bangladesh should focus on their clients. Client-centric approach will enable the organization to offer more benefits and value. When the client feels valuable, it is easier to retain the clients for a long period of time. In addition to that, the need and demand of clients are ever-growing. To keep up with the changing dynamics, the organization needs to be innovative. With innovative practices and initiative, the organization will be able to serve the clients better. As it is a competitive market, gaining and retain clients is indeed a challenge. Best broking firms should always focus on getting and retaining clients. And it is easily achievable if the organization focuses on client centric approach.

The client-centric approach will enable the organization to increase the customer service and focus more on the benefit of the client. In the long run, it will benefit the organization as well as the clients. Thus, best brokerage houses should always focus on their clients and increase the value they provide to the clients.

Research and Development:

The current economic spectrum is all about data. Data driven decision making is an essential part of any business decision. For a brokerage house, research and development is an integral part of their operation. In order to ensure there is enough data to form rational decisions, there is a need for full-throttle research and development of the market. For a best brokerage house in Bangladesh, it is a must have to develop a research and development infrastructure that will generate information. This information will ensure the customers are making decisions in their best interest.

With proper process of research, the brokerage house will be able to provide necessary information to the clients and guide them to make better decisions. To be the best brokerage house in Bangladesh and to stand out from the competition, proper research and ensuring client literacy is a must.  So the best brokerage house in Bangladesh should take measures to develop the research and development to ensure clients’ benefit.

Learning Initiative:

Research development and learning initiative goes hand in hand. The significance of a best brokerage house is that this organization takes learning initiatives to benefit the clients they are working with. They ought to take measures to increase the financial literacy of their members. It is required not only for the good of the organization but also for the benefit of the clients. By taking the learning initiative, the organization can add value to the overall cause of the clients.

As the way of learning is different from individual to individual, so the organization needs to take different measures to meet the requirements of the client. Many clients may learn better in a classroom setting. For them, a training session would be better. On the other hand, few learners might prefer learning through reading, for them communicating through email and other reading materials might get the job done.

Considering the client, the best brokerage house needs to finalize the learning initiative. It depends on the clients, not on the organization. Based on the preference of the clients the organization will design the learning scope.

Knowledge Base:

Knowledge is power. In a very competitive market like the stock market, every piece of information counts. As a result, it is important for the best brokerage house to have a strong knowledge base. This knowledge base will help the organization to sustain in the competitive market in the long run. Along with that, the knowledge base of the brokerage house will benefit the clients that are associated with them. For example, if the best broking firm has good knowledge about an upcoming IPO, then it can educate the clients regarding the potential of that IPO. As a result, the members or clients of the brokerage house will be able to make better decisions whether they want to invest in that particular IPO or not.

Along with that, the broker house will be able to meet the queries of the clients as they do day trading in the stock market. As the brokerage houses deal with a very handsome amount of money, thus the margin of error is very close to zero. A strong knowledge base will only strengthen the foundation of the brokerage house.

Track Record:

A proven track record is important to be recognized as the best brokerage house in Bangladesh. If an organization has enough quality to be deemed as the best brokerage house in Bangladesh, then it must have a very good track record. A proven track record is one of the core elements that will make an ordinary brokerage house extraordinary. The track record points to the numerical success the organization is able to attain. The number of active clients, amount of BO accounts, numbers of IPO applications done through the broking firm are indicators of a track record for any brokerage house in Bangladesh. A best brokerage house must focus on increasing the numbers and keep an upward trend in the numbers.

As a result, the best brokerage houses in Bangladesh will have a proven track record of their performance. The performance will vouch for the quality they have and if they are worthy to be recognized as the best brokerage house in Bangladesh. Because track record is the reflection of the experience the organization has in the market.


The market and the industry is ever changing. It is a dynamic environment to begin with. In order to sustain and stay ahead in a market like this, it is important to be innovative. By being innovative the best brokerage house can stay ahead of the competition. In addition to that, the broking firm can add more value to the clients by being innovative. With constant changes and updates in the process, knowledge base and over operational functionality, the best broker house can stay ahead of the changing market dynamics. If there is a lack of innovative nature within the organizational culture, then they will suffer much to cope with change. As a mechanism to cope with change, there is no alternative to innovation.

By being innovative the best brokerage house can ensure they are doing something unique that the rest of the organizations are not doing.  With innovation, a brokerage house can remain to be the best in their field.

These are the features of a best brokerage house in Bangladesh. We from Royal Capital try our best to ensure we meet all these required features. With clients as our first priority, we always do what is best for the client. As we patronize research and development, we have our own research and development wing that is designed to harness information and insights that will benefit our clients. In addition, we have monthly learning sessions, weekly blogs, IPO analysis, newsletters and more that are designed to increase the financial literacy of our clients. Plus, we also take measures to stay up to date with the ongoing updates and changes so that we can benefit our client as well our organization in the long run. With a proven track record of successful clients and growing numbers of BO account and IPO applications, we look forward to becoming the best brokerage house in Bangladesh.

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